Day 63

I didn’t sleep last night, and I couldn’t nap during the day. My feet hurt from standing and walking around. Snowy has been able to sleep just fine, like nothing bothered her. Watching those people die last night in the darkness, getting carved up by the Unnamed, it was terrifying. It’d been a while since I’d watched them rip people apart like clay.

After the blood and screams, I spent the entire day pacing around the shed. In the span of 24 hours; I’d witnessed the Unnamed out in the daylight by the lake, and then three people, who I didn’t even know were hiding right by me, being tricked then killed by the monsters. For so many weeks the blood and viciousness of the situation hadn’t bothered me. The world scares me because it can look so safe, but it’s full of traps and nightmares.

I didn’t do much else today except watch a few clouds drift across the unchecked blue sky. I want to wait one week before I leave my yard, in case the wandering Unnamed wasn’t some fluke or anomaly.

I already feel claustrophobic.

There are clouds bubbling up on the horizon in gray bits of flattened moisture.

 Please let it rain, please.

Thank you for reading my work. To learn more about the Greenland Diaries hit it here. The monsters are incredible. You’ve never experienced anything like them.

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